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300 mK continuous cryostat
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The legendary Chase CC7 continuous cooler
The ready-to-cool Bronco cryostat is fully integrated with Chase Research Cryogenics’ cutting-edge CC7 sorption cooler so cryo scientists can cool to below 300 mK. Cool down and ride with Danaher Cryo’s Bronco.
*DR model illustrated
Cool down and ride
300 mK Continuous Bronco Cryostat Features:
100 µW at 400 mK
250 µW at 450 mK
Integrated with the
Chase CC7 Cooler
300 mK
base temperature
Compare Continuous Cooling Models
100 µWat400 mK
250 µWat450 mK
Precise specs:
- 300 mK base temperature
- Chase CC7 Cooler inside
- One-button cooldown
2 µWat100 mK
10 µWat200 mK
Precise specs:
- 75 mK base temperature
- Chase CMD Cooler inside
- One-button cooldown
400 µWat1 K
1 mWat1.3 K
Precise specs:
- 825 mK base temperature
- Chase CC4 Cooler inside
- One-button cooldown