DC June Happenings: Danaher Cryo to visit the ICC Conference June 3rd through 6th and Argonne National Laboratory mid-June
Danaher Cryo is looking forward to the first week of June, and a week to the Midwest. We’ll be attending the International Cryocooler Conference in Madison, WI June 3rd through 6th. Then we’re going to see our colleagues at Argonne National Laboratory to install an upgrade on their Danaher Pony Cryostat. Head over to our LinkedIn […]
Danaher Delivers Sub-Kelvin Pony Cryostat to Argonne

Scientists should spend their ef-forts on research, not on infrastructure! Scientists often need a reliable source of sub-kelvin cooling. Historically, because no reliable provider of such systems ex-isted, many scientists were resigned to build their own. No longer.
Danaher Cryogenics celebrates successful installation of first Pony Cryostat at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)!
We’ve achieved another milestone: our first Danaher Cryo system installation. The Pony cryostat provides continuous sub-Kelvin cooling, has a large experimental space, and is convenient to open and close. The primary purpose of the Danaher Cryostat at Argonne National Laboratory will be to test and characterize superconducting nanowire particle detectors, mostly focusing on nuclear physics applications. More specifically, due […]